The Room Do I dare disturb the universe?

Birds that Flock Together

So I’ve been prepping for my class on Game Development and one of the things I want to introduce to people is the concept of an ECS (Entity Component System). I mentioned last time about how I needed to build a new set of bindings for a graphics library, and as part of that I wanted to port a little script I’d done implementing the boids algorithm.

Let’s walk through the code and see how it works. First we have the ECS class itself. This is a simple class that holds a list of entities and components and provides a way to query for entities that have a specific set of components.

Component are stored in two places, once in an array of hashes for the entities, the index being the entity id. The second is a hash of arrays, where the value is an array of entity ids that have that component. Initially the key is the component name, but later we will get a little more complicated to implement something called an archetype.

class ECS {
    field $systems : param;

    field @entities   = ();
    field %components = ();

    method entity_count { return scalar grep defined, @entities }

    method add_entity() {
        push @entities, {};
        return $#entities;

    method add_component ( $entity, $component ) {
        $entities[$entity]{ ref $component } = $component;
        push $components{ ref $component }->@*, $entity;

    my sub intersection (@lists) {
        my %u = ();
        return grep { $u{$_}++ } map { $_->@* } @lists;

    method entities_with (@components) {

        # if we have no components, return all entities
        if ( $components{"@components"} ) {
            return grep defined, @entities[ $components{"@components"}->@* ];

        # otherwise make a new archtype
        $components{"@components"} =
          [ intersection( @components{@components} ) ];
        return grep defined, @entities[ $components{"@components"}->@* ];

    method update () { $_->update($self) for $systems->@* }

You can see the little bit of complexity here with the entities_with method where we will automatically create a new archetype if it doesn’t already exist. An archetype is a group of entities that all have the same set of components. This is a common optimization in ECS systems to avoid having to check every entity for every system.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t help us much with boids, as we’ll see in a bit.

Next we have the components themselves. These are simple classes that hold data and maybe do some very simple processing on that data. Profiling with NYTProf showed that the more time we spent in the components the more method dispatches, the slower the system. So we try to keep the components as simple as possible.

class Position {
    field $x : param;
    field $y : param;
    field $vx = rand();
    field $vy = rand();

    method location { return ( $x,  $y ) }
    method velocity { return ( $vx, $vy ) }

    method vx ($dvx) { $vx = $dvx }
    method vy ($dvy) { $vy = $dvy }

    method update_location() {
        $x += $vx;
        $y += $vy;


class Vision {
    field $range : param : reader = 30;


class Proximity {
    field $distance : param : reader = 5;

Notice also we’re using v5.40.0’s new feature to the class syntax :reader which automatically creates a read-only accessor for a field.

Next we have the systems. These are classes that implement the core logic. For documenting purposes I’ve added a little Abstract Base Class System that doesn’t do anything but document the API that all systems must implement. In Moose we’d use Moose::Role for this, but we don’t have roles in core … yet.

class System {
    method update ($ecs) { ... }

The first system is the Avoidance system. This system looks at all the entities with a Position and Proximity component and if they are too close to each other it moves them away from each other. This is partly where our little ECS falls down. We have to iterate over all the entities with a Position component to find the ones we want to avoid. If I had done a bit more work up front with some Data Oriented Design I would have thought about how we were querying the entities, and I could have optimized storing the entities in a way that made this faster. Paying attention to the locality of your data isn’t just something for low level programming.

class Avoidance : isa(System) {
    field $avoidance_factor : param = 1.5;

    method update ($ecs) {
        my @others =
          map { entity => $_, location => [ $_->{'Position'}->location ], },

        for my $entity ($ecs->entities_with( 'Position', 'Proximity' )) {
            my $cdx = 0;
            my $cdy = 0;
            my ( $pos, $prox ) = $entity->@{ 'Position', 'Proximity' };
            my ( $x, $y )      = $pos->location();
            my ( $vx, $vy )    = $pos->velocity();
            my $sq_distance = $prox->distance**2;

            for my $other ( grep $entity != $_->{entity}, @others ) {
                my ( $other_x, $other_y ) = $other->{location}->@*;
                my $dx = $x - $other_x;
                my $dy = $y - $other_y;

                unless ( $dx**2 + $dy**2 > $sq_distance ) {
                    $cdx += $dx;
                    $cdy += $dy;
            $pos->vx( $vx + $cdx / $avoidance_factor );
            $pos->vy( $vy + $cdy / $avoidance_factor );

Next we have the Alignment system. This system looks at all the entities with a Vision component and then checks the Position of all the other entities to see if they are within the range of the Vision. If they are, it averages the velocity of all the entities in the vision range and then adjusts the velocity of the current entity to match that average.

Another optimization you might notice is that we’re querying the “other” entities up front and grabbing just the data we need. Again if I had thought about this up front I could have stored the entities in a way that made this faster.

class Alignment : isa(System) {
    field $matching_factor : param = 0.08;

    method update ($ecs) {
        my @others =
          map {
            entity     => $_,
              location => [ $_->{'Position'}->location ],
              velocity => [ $_->{'Position'}->velocity ],
          }, $ecs->entities_with('Position');

        for my $entity ( $ecs->entities_with( 'Position', 'Vision' ) ) {
            # create some variables to store the average position, velocities and the number of boids in the vicinity
            my ($xpos_avg,$ypos_avg, $xvel_avg, $yvel_avg, $neighboring_boids);

            my ( $pos, $vis ) = $entity->@{ 'Position', 'Vision' };
            my ( $x,   $y )   = $pos->location();
            my $range = $vis->range;

            for my $other ( grep $entity != $_->{entity}, @others ) {
                my ( $other_x, $other_y ) = $other->{location}->@*;
                my $dx = $x - $other_x;
                my $dy = $y - $other_y;

                if ( abs($dx) < $range && abs($dy) < $range ) {
                    my ( $vx, $vy ) = $other->{velocity}->@*;
                    $xvel_avg          += $vx;
                    $yvel_avg          += $vy;
                    $neighboring_boids += 1;

            if ($neighboring_boids) {
                $xvel_avg = $xvel_avg / $neighboring_boids;
                $yvel_avg = $yvel_avg / $neighboring_boids;

                my ( $vx, $vy ) = $pos->velocity();
                $pos->vx( $vx + ( $xvel_avg - $vx ) * $matching_factor );
                $pos->vy( $vy + ( $yvel_avg - $vy ) * $matching_factor );

The last of our business logic systems is the Cohesion system. Like the Alignment system it looks at all the entities with a Vision component and then checks the Position of all the other entities to see if they are within the range of the Vision. If they are, it averages the position of all the entities in the vision range and then adjusts the vector of the current entity to move towards the center of the flock.

class Cohesion : isa(System) {
    field $centering_factor = 0.0002;

    method update ($ecs) {
        my @others =
          map { entity => $_, location => [ $_->{'Position'}->location ], },

        for my $entity ( $ecs->entities_with( 'Position', 'Vision' ) ) {
            # create some variables to store the average velocities and the number of boids in the vicinity
            my ($xpos_avg, $ypos_avg, $neighboring_boids);

            my ( $pos, $vis ) = $entity->@{ 'Position', 'Vision' };
            my ( $x,   $y )   = $pos->location();
            my $range = $vis->range;

            for my $other ( grep $entity != $_->{entity}, @others ) {
                my ( $other_x, $other_y ) = $other->{location}->@*;
                my $dx = $x - $other_x;
                my $dy = $y - $other_y;

                if ( abs($dx) < $range && abs($dy) < $range ) {
                    $xpos_avg          += $other_x;
                    $ypos_avg          += $other_y;
                    $neighboring_boids += 1;
            if ($neighboring_boids) {
                $xpos_avg = $xpos_avg / $neighboring_boids;
                $ypos_avg = $ypos_avg / $neighboring_boids;
                my ( $vx, $vy ) = $pos->velocity();

                $pos->vx( $vx + ( $xpos_avg - $x ) * $centering_factor );
                $pos->vy( $vy + ( $ypos_avg - $y ) * $centering_factor );



Next we have a couple utility systems. The ScreenEdge system keeps the boids from flying off the screen by adjusting their velocity when they get too close to the edge. The SpeedLimits system keeps the boids from flying too fast or too slow by adjusting their velocity when they exceed a maximum speed, or fall below a minimum speed.

class ScreenEdge : isa(System) {
    field $width : param;
    field $height : param;

    field $turn_factor : param = 0.02;
    field $margin : param      = 90;

    method update ($ecs) {
        for my $entity ( $ecs->entities_with('Position') ) {
            my $pos = $entity->{'Position'};
            my ( $x,  $y )  = $pos->location();
            my ( $vx, $vy ) = $pos->velocity();

            if ( $x < $margin )           { $pos->vx( $vx + $turn_factor ) }
            if ( $y < $margin )           { $pos->vy( $vy + $turn_factor ) }
            if ( $x > $width - $margin )  { $pos->vx( $vx - $turn_factor ) }
            if ( $y > $height - $margin ) { $pos->vy( $vy - $turn_factor ) }

class SpeedLimits : isa(System) {
    field $min_speed = 2.0;
    field $max_speed = 4.0;

    method update ($ecs) {
        for my $entity ( $ecs->entities_with('Position') ) {
            my $pos = $entity->{'Position'};

            my ( $vx, $vy ) = $pos->velocity();
            my $speed = sqrt( $vx * $vx + $vy * $vy ) || $min_speed;
            if ( $speed < $min_speed ) {
                $pos->vx( ( $vx / $speed ) * $min_speed );
                $pos->vy( ( $vy / $speed ) * $min_speed );

            if ( $speed > $max_speed ) {
                $pos->vx( ( $vx / $speed ) * $max_speed );
                $pos->vy( ( $vy / $speed ) * $max_speed );

Lastly we have the Movement system and the Renderer system. The Movement system is the simplest of all the systems, it just updates the position of all the entities with a Position component. And the Renderer system draws all the entities we care about on the screen.

class Movement : isa(System) {

    method update ($ecs) {
        for my $entity ( $ecs->entities_with('Position') ) {

class Renderer : isa(System) {
    field $app : param;
    field $boid = Raylib::Text->new(
        text  => 'x',
        color => Raylib::Color::WHITE,
        size  => 10,
    field $fps = Raylib::Text::FPS->new();

    method update ($ecs) {
        my $boid_count = Raylib::Text->new(
            text  => sprintf( "boids: %s", scalar $ecs->entity_count ),
            color => Raylib::Color::WHITE,
            size  => 10,
            sub {
                $boid_count->draw( 0, 20 );
                for my $entity ( $ecs->entities_with('Position') ) {
                    $boid->draw( $entity->{'Position'}->location() );

I really only included the Render system to show how you might use the ECS to handle all of the parts of a game loop. In a real game you’d have a lot more systems, and they’d be a lot more complex. But this is a good start.

We just need to wire everything up in the main app now.

my $app = Raylib::App->window( 800, 600, 'Boids' );

my $ecs = ECS->new(
    systems => [
            width  => $app->width,
            height => $app->height,
        Renderer->new( app => $app ),

sub add_boid {
    my $entity = $ecs->add_entity();
            x => int rand( $app->width ),
            y => int rand( $app->height ),
    $ecs->add_component( $entity, Vision->new() );
    $ecs->add_component( $entity, Proximity->new() );

add_boid() for 1 .. 88; # max boids for my system before it starts to slow down
while ( !$app->exiting ) {

And that’s it. We have a simple boids simulation using an ECS system. It’s not perfect, and the constants are all wrong so it needs some tweaking, but it demonstrates the concept of an ECS system and how you might use it to build a simulation.

If you would like to learn more about how to leverage an ECS system to write a video game, please come to my class at TPRC in Las Vegas. Tickets are still available, and I’d love to see you there!

Below is the full code for the boids simulation, it depends on Raylib::FFI which is not released yet.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.40.0;
use lib qw(lib);
use experimental 'class';

use Raylib::App;

class ECS {
    field $systems : param;

    field @entities   = ();
    field %components = ();

    method entity_count { return scalar grep defined, @entities }

    method add_entity() {
        push @entities, {};
        return $#entities;

    method add_component ( $entity, $component ) {
        $entities[$entity]{ ref $component } = $component;
        push $components{ ref $component }->@*, $entity;

    my sub intersection (@lists) {
        my %u = ();
        return grep { $u{$_}++ } map { $_->@* } @lists;

    method entities_with (@components) {

        # if we have no components, return all entities
        if ( $components{"@components"} ) {
            return grep defined, @entities[ $components{"@components"}->@* ];

        # otherwise make a new archtype
        $components{"@components"} =
          [ intersection( @components{@components} ) ];
        return grep defined, @entities[ $components{"@components"}->@* ];

    method update () { $_->update($self) for $systems->@* }

class Position {
    field $x : param;
    field $y : param;
    field $vx = rand();
    field $vy = rand();

    method location { return ( $x,  $y ) }
    method velocity { return ( $vx, $vy ) }

    method vx ($dvx) { $vx = $dvx }
    method vy ($dvy) { $vy = $dvy }

    method update_location() {
        $x += $vx;
        $y += $vy;


class Vision {
    field $range : param : reader = 30;


class Proximity {
    field $distance : param : reader = 5;

class System {
    method update ($ecs) { ... }

class Avoidance : isa(System) {
    field $avoidance_factor : param = 1.5;

    method update ($ecs) {
        my @others =
          map { entity => $_, location => [ $_->{'Position'}->location ], },

        for my $entity ($ecs->entities_with( 'Position', 'Proximity' )) {
            my $cdx = 0;
            my $cdy = 0;
            my ( $pos, $prox ) = $entity->@{ 'Position', 'Proximity' };
            my ( $x, $y )      = $pos->location();
            my ( $vx, $vy )    = $pos->velocity();
            my $sq_distance = $prox->distance**2;

            for my $other ( grep $entity != $_->{entity}, @others ) {
                my ( $other_x, $other_y ) = $other->{location}->@*;
                my $dx = $x - $other_x;
                my $dy = $y - $other_y;

                unless ( $dx**2 + $dy**2 > $sq_distance ) {
                    $cdx += $dx;
                    $cdy += $dy;
            $pos->vx( $vx + $cdx / $avoidance_factor );
            $pos->vy( $vy + $cdy / $avoidance_factor );

class Alignment : isa(System) {
    field $matching_factor : param = 0.08;

    method update ($ecs) {
        my @others =
          map {
            entity     => $_,
              location => [ $_->{'Position'}->location ],
              velocity => [ $_->{'Position'}->velocity ],
          }, $ecs->entities_with('Position');

        for my $entity ( $ecs->entities_with( 'Position', 'Vision' ) ) {
            # create some variables to store the average position, velocities and the number of boids in the vicinity
            my ($xpos_avg,$ypos_avg, $xvel_avg, $yvel_avg, $neighboring_boids);

            my ( $pos, $vis ) = $entity->@{ 'Position', 'Vision' };
            my ( $x,   $y )   = $pos->location();
            my $range = $vis->range;

            for my $other ( grep $entity != $_->{entity}, @others ) {
                my ( $other_x, $other_y ) = $other->{location}->@*;
                my $dx = $x - $other_x;
                my $dy = $y - $other_y;

                if ( abs($dx) < $range && abs($dy) < $range ) {
                    my ( $vx, $vy ) = $other->{velocity}->@*;
                    $xvel_avg          += $vx;
                    $yvel_avg          += $vy;
                    $neighboring_boids += 1;

            if ($neighboring_boids) {
                $xvel_avg = $xvel_avg / $neighboring_boids;
                $yvel_avg = $yvel_avg / $neighboring_boids;

                my ( $vx, $vy ) = $pos->velocity();
                $pos->vx( $vx + ( $xvel_avg - $vx ) * $matching_factor );
                $pos->vy( $vy + ( $yvel_avg - $vy ) * $matching_factor );

class Cohesion : isa(System) {
    field $centering_factor = 0.0002;

    method update ($ecs) {
        my @others =
          map { entity => $_, location => [ $_->{'Position'}->location ], },

        for my $entity ( $ecs->entities_with( 'Position', 'Vision' ) ) {
            # create some variables to store the average velocities and the number of boids in the vicinity
            my ($xpos_avg, $ypos_avg, $neighboring_boids);

            my ( $pos, $vis ) = $entity->@{ 'Position', 'Vision' };
            my ( $x,   $y )   = $pos->location();
            my $range = $vis->range;

            for my $other ( grep $entity != $_->{entity}, @others ) {
                my ( $other_x, $other_y ) = $other->{location}->@*;
                my $dx = $x - $other_x;
                my $dy = $y - $other_y;

                if ( abs($dx) < $range && abs($dy) < $range ) {
                    $xpos_avg          += $other_x;
                    $ypos_avg          += $other_y;
                    $neighboring_boids += 1;
            if ($neighboring_boids) {
                $xpos_avg = $xpos_avg / $neighboring_boids;
                $ypos_avg = $ypos_avg / $neighboring_boids;
                my ( $vx, $vy ) = $pos->velocity();

                $pos->vx( $vx + ( $xpos_avg - $x ) * $centering_factor );
                $pos->vy( $vy + ( $ypos_avg - $y ) * $centering_factor );



class ScreenEdge : isa(System) {
    field $width : param;
    field $height : param;

    field $turn_factor : param = 0.02;
    field $margin : param      = 90;

    method update ($ecs) {
        for my $entity ( $ecs->entities_with('Position') ) {
            my $pos = $entity->{'Position'};
            my ( $x,  $y )  = $pos->location();
            my ( $vx, $vy ) = $pos->velocity();

            if ( $x < $margin )           { $pos->vx( $vx + $turn_factor ) }
            if ( $y < $margin )           { $pos->vy( $vy + $turn_factor ) }
            if ( $x > $width - $margin )  { $pos->vx( $vx - $turn_factor ) }
            if ( $y > $height - $margin ) { $pos->vy( $vy - $turn_factor ) }

class SpeedLimits : isa(System) {
    field $min_speed = 2.0;
    field $max_speed = 4.0;

    method update ($ecs) {
        for my $entity ( $ecs->entities_with('Position') ) {
            my $pos = $entity->{'Position'};

            my ( $vx, $vy ) = $pos->velocity();
            my $speed = sqrt( $vx * $vx + $vy * $vy ) || $min_speed;
            if ( $speed < $min_speed ) {
                $pos->vx( ( $vx / $speed ) * $min_speed );
                $pos->vy( ( $vy / $speed ) * $min_speed );

            if ( $speed > $max_speed ) {
                $pos->vx( ( $vx / $speed ) * $max_speed );
                $pos->vy( ( $vy / $speed ) * $max_speed );

class Movement : isa(System) {

    method update ($ecs) {
        for my $entity ( $ecs->entities_with('Position') ) {

class Renderer : isa(System) {
    field $app : param;
    field $boid = Raylib::Text->new(
        text  => 'x',
        color => Raylib::Color::WHITE,
        size  => 10,
    field $fps = Raylib::Text::FPS->new();

    method update ($ecs) {
        my $boid_count = Raylib::Text->new(
            text  => sprintf( "boids: %s", scalar $ecs->entity_count ),
            color => Raylib::Color::WHITE,
            size  => 10,
            sub {
                $boid_count->draw( 0, 20 );
                for my $entity ( $ecs->entities_with('Position') ) {
                    $boid->draw( $entity->{'Position'}->location() );

# main app

my $app = Raylib::App->window( 800, 600, 'Boids' );

my $ecs = ECS->new(
    systems => [
            width  => $app->width,
            height => $app->height,
        Renderer->new( app => $app ),

sub add_boid {
    my $entity = $ecs->add_entity();
            x => int rand( $app->width ),
            y => int rand( $app->height ),
    $ecs->add_component( $entity, Vision->new() );
    $ecs->add_component( $entity, Proximity->new() );

add_boid() for 1 .. 88; # max boids for my system before it starts to slow down
while ( !$app->exiting ) {