The Room Do I dare disturb the universe?

Birds that Flock Together

So I’ve been prepping for my class on Game Development and one of the things I want to introduce to people is the concept of an ECS (Entity Component System). I mentioned last time about how I needed to build a new set of bindings for a graphics library, and as part of that I wanted to port a little script I’d done implementing the boids algorit... Read more

Surviving in the Wasteland with Raylib and a Platypus

Where the world ends is where you must begin. I’ve had a class accepted at the Perl and Raku Conference in Las Vegas this year. I’m going to be talking about how to build video games in Perl with a focus on Roguelikes and RPGs. While preparing for this class I started looking into the previous libraries for Game Development in Perl. SDL hasn’t ... Read more

A Roguelike in Perl Part 6 - Doing (and taking) some damage

Introduction This post is part of a series of blog posts following the roguelike tutorial to demonstrate the new class feature in Perl 5.38.0. In this post we’re gonna start where we left off in part 5. If you don’t remember what the code looked like you can refresh yourself with the listing here. Refactoring When we ended last time we noted... Read more

A Roguelike in Perl Part 5 - Knowing where your enemies are, and how to kick them

Introduction This post is part of a series of blog posts following the roguelike tutorial to demonstrate the new class feature in Perl 5.38.0. In this post we’re gonna start where we left off in part 4. If you don’t remember what the code looked like you can refresh yourself with the listing here. We have a darkened dungeon you can explore an... Read more

A Roguelike in Perl Part 4 - Field of View

Introduction This post is part of a series of blog posts following the roguelike tutorial to demonstrate the new class feature in Perl 5.38.0. In this post we’re gonna start where we left off in part-3. If you don’t remember what the code looked like go back and refresh yourself. We have a dungeon that we can walk around in but it’s not reall... Read more