Google Accounts authentication for web-based applications allows the application to access a Google service protected by a user's Google account. To maintain a high level of security, the Authentication Proxy interface, AuthSub, enables the application to
Nomilang is a mixture of Nomic, a game in which the moves consist of making rules, and conlanging, the art and craft of making a language. It is, in other words, a game for serious hardcore process and language geeks.
Konfidi is a trust framework that uses topical trust values from a social network of authenticated people. When you see a document (e.g email, webpage) from someone you do not know, but he/she is in the network, Konfidi will compute an inferred trust valu
Minimum LID is the name of the minimum functionality that must be supported by a URL to be a LID URL.
Revyu.com is a web site where you can review and rate things. Unlike many other reviewing sites on the web, Revyu.com lets you review and rate absolutely anything you can name.
PingtheSemanticWeb.com is a repository for RDF documents. You can notify this service that you created/updated a RDF document on your web site. You can import the list of recently created/updated RDF documents.
DOAC is a Vocabulary to descripve professional capabilities of a worker. It has been designed to be compatible with the Europass Curriculum so those can be generated from a FOAF+DOAC file.
trust is a module for use in FOAF documents, allowing the user to describe in detail the trust between one user and another, and the subject upon which that trust is based.
The purpose of this tutorial is to provide a starting point for users who are new to Dojo. Whilst every effort is made to introduce as much as possible about Dojo, it is impossible to include more of the detailed information since to do so would be counte
This is mirror of plugins available for Blosxom Version 2. The listing is not complete and has been gathered together from Blosxom Prime, the MailingList, and around the Web. Where possible different versions of the plugin have been made available. If you
Blosxom Plugin Registry
Blosxom is about infinitely extensible via a plugin architecture. Here you'll find oodles of plugins to expand, extend, integrate, and delight. And they're written by Blosxom users just like you!