The Room Do I dare disturb the universe?

Links For 2006 04 23

links for 2006-04-23 Palm - Support - LifeDrive Update 2.0 LifeDrive ROM update (for Jamie's new LifeDrive *sigh*) (tags: palm lifedrive upgrade) Citizens Guide to St. Paul - E-Democracy Local Guide to the Goverment and Local Politics of St. Paul (tags: ST_Paul wiki guide politics government) The SurLaLune Fairy Tales Si... Read more

Links For 2006 04 21

links for 2006-04-21 Deskbar Applet | Overview Looks like a Gnome version of QuickSilver ... which means Linux might be useable for a desktop again. (tags: gnome linux software deskbar python ubuntu desktop) Read more

Links For 2006 04 19

links for 2006-04-19 FANBOY .: mc-vforcookie :. Brilliant Acting, Excellent Effects, a Dynamic Masterpiece! (tags: video spoof comedy) Read more

Links For 2006 04 17

links for 2006-04-17 TextMate Blog » Keychain Access from Shell Mac OS has a keychain which is intended for storing and retrieving passwords in a secure fashion, and this service can fortunately be accessed from shell, so that is what I use for my passwords. (tags: osx apple keychain) Read more

Another Reason To Like Neil Gaimen

Another Reason to like Neil Gaimen So there is yet another reason in my books why I enjoy the many many works of Mr. Gaimen. We share our favorite place on earth. (Talking about shooting beginnging for the film version of Stardust) It starts shooting on location in Skye next week. I don’t know if having the multitudinous readers of a blog co... Read more