The Room Do I dare disturb the universe?

Links For 2006 01 11

links for 2006-01-11 Linux/BSD Gangsters - Content - Linux - Guide/how-to - MAKING YOUR KDE LOOK LIKE A MAC OS X (tags: linux kde osx mac howto desktop apple) Read more


Wow… Transformers Movie Test Footage - I hope this is real. sigh I am such a geek. Read more

Links For 2006 01 10

links for 2006-01-10 X-Chat 2 Builds on Windows (tags: xchat irc software windows free x-chat win32) Read more

New Digs Old Address And Changing Links

New Digs, Old Address, and Changing Links So I upgraded Moveable Type, I think this will work better for us now. We’re now running MT 3.2 around here now. Let’s see what else we can get out of this. EDIT: And everything seems to works exactly the way it used to. EDIT Part Deux: I’ve also changed the layout of the internal URLs of this site. If... Read more

Links For 2006 01 07

links for 2006-01-07 Simple AJAX with MochiKit and JSON, Part I (tags: AJAX javascript mochikit json tutorial programming python) MochiKit - Trac (tags: javascript mochikit ajax wiki) MochiKit Documentation Index (tags: javascript library ajax dom programming js mochikit) Cloud Factory Mixes (tags: music mp3 ambien... Read more