The Room Do I dare disturb the universe?

Links For 2005 09 20

links for 2005-09-20 consumotronic - documentation aggregator hotspot portal thingy using OpenGuides (tags: programming python rdf semweb tools web zool #bots openguides) Read more

Links For 2005 09 13

links for 2005-09-13 inter-linguistic literate programming (tags: #bots zool programming literature) Read more

Links For 2005 09 09

links for 2005-09-09 History of Kit Homes (tags: diy house bungalow) Twin Cities Bungalow Club Club for those who appreciate Bungalow Homes in the Twin Cities Area (tags: bungalow home diy) Mac Geekery - Some Launchd Recipes (tags: apple geek hacks howto mac macosx osx reference shell tips tutorial sysadmin) Read more

Links For 2005 08 27

links for 2005-08-27 Of gambling with software Read more

Links For 2005 08 24

links for 2005-08-24 A random text engine for Mac and aparently now Windows (tags: AI markov random text) Read more