The Room Do I dare disturb the universe?

Links For 2005 03 26

links for 2005-03-26 Abstract Appeal -- by Matt Conigliaro (categories: blogs florida) pushblog (categories: blogs) montylingua :: a free, commonsense-enriched natural language understander (categories: AI development language java module programming python semantics software tools) ConceptNet (categories: AI apps ... Read more

Links For 2005 03 25

links for 2005-03-25 Minnesota Valley Humane Society- Burnsville Their list of links for help. (categories: dogs) Apple ibook, bluetooth, Tungsten T and the t68i (categories: apple bluetooth) Redland RDF Application Framework Notes - Building from CVS (categories: redland osx rdf semweb) Apple typography - Wikipedi... Read more

Links For 2005 03 24

links for 2005-03-24 How to Use Progress Bars (categories: java) How to Use Threads (categories: java programming) Primer - Getting into the semantic web and RDF using N3 (categories: rdf xml n3 semweb tutorial semanticweb webservices) Collections vs Containers from David Menendez on 2003-11-12 (www-rdf-interest@w3.o... Read more

Links For 2005 03 23

links for 2005-03-23 Top Ten Digital Photography Tips (categories: photography tips photo digital photos art) Blue Coconut:: Introduction (categories: itunes osx mac music apple apps daap) Phil Harvey / Image-ExifTool-4.87 (categories: photos exit metadata) Virtue (categories: mac... Read more

Links For 2005 03 22

links for 2005-03-22 Math and Physics Applets (categories: physics applets) How to Do Anything Photographic © 2005 Ken Rockwell (categories: photography howto reference tutorials camera photos photo) RAW workflow (categories: photography) ecto: What is ecto? (categories: tools software osx mac tech) Main Page... Read more