The Room Do I dare disturb the universe?

An Attempt To Save Someone From Herself

An attempt to save someone from herself … Neal Stephenson’s Short Stories Now you can stop reading Fanfic for a few hours. Read more

How Do You Do This The Right Way

How do you do this the right way? So I’m working with Java at work now. A little applet that has several tabbed panes of similar “View” objects. The code I’m modeling it off of has several If/Then/Else blocks wrapping cut-n-pasted code which is slightly altered for each class. I want to replace this with something much more intelligent and gene... Read more

A Cautionary Tale

A cautionary tale… Dacels Jewelers: An experience So a friend had a rather horrific experience. And while I know most of you don’t visit Seattle to purchase diamonds, or have them appraised very often. Someone out there in the google reading public may find this link appropriate. Read more

Images Of The World

Images of the World Some of our pictures from europe are now online. Some of them are very good, some of them are not so good. And many of them are missing still. I’ll have to hunt them down and get them online too. Read more


Pictures I’ve got pictures! I just got a digital camera, and installed Axkit::App::Gallery on the server. Now I can easily serve pictures like this one. Read more