The Room Do I dare disturb the universe?

Ppfmfp Ppmffm Mfmppfmpm

Ppfmfp Ppmffm Mfmppfmpm! Kenny Translator - translate text into Kennyspeak Fmpmfpmfffmm mfffmm mmmpmfppmppffmmfmp mmmfmm mfmppfppfmpm mmmfmm fmpmfpmpp Mmmppmmmmffpmffpppmfm Pfmmppmmfpmpmffpppmfm Mmfmfpmffmmfpmpmppppp! Read more

Games People Play

Games People Play Here’s a game written in RDF. I like the idea of using an RDF graph to map the choices in a Game. It makes all kinds of interesting sense to me. Read more

Free Music Eh

Free Music Eh? The Globe and Mail "I cannot see a real difference between a library that places a photocopy machine in a room full of copyrighted material and a computer user that places a personal copy on a shared directory linked to a P2P service," he wrote. "In either case the preconditions to copying and infringement are set up but the ele... Read more

The Scary Scary Future

The scary scary future A friend of mine is the Chair of a new W3C working group: XML Binary Characterization Working Group Public Page Which is for the lay-person, a group focused on taking Web Pages and making them small enough that you can easily put them on Cell Phones. Read more

Orlando Has Its Own Cname

Orlando has it’s own CNAME! The OpenGuides Orlando website can now be found at yeah! Read more