The Room Do I dare disturb the universe?

Moose Dependencies A Lurid Tale

Right so the rumor is that Moose has a lot of dependencies. I mean according to cpantesters Moose has 24 different dependencies! (Note: that same site says that almost all of those dependencies have a nearly 100% test record, but we’re talking Quantity not Quality!). Let’s examine this a bit more: Here are the actual direct dependencies from Mo... Read more

Use.perl Fail

use.perl Fail Today I was reading a use.perl journal and ended up on the homepage and saw this: Uploaded with plasq's Skitch! FAIL. According to mst I need to hunt down rafael, davorg, grinder, brian d foy or pudge to see if I can be added to the list of people who are responsible for making sure that doesn’t happen. I suck at this kind of st... Read more

Links For 2009 04 26

links for 2009-04-26 The Medieval Bestiary (tags: history reference art mythology animals literature images illustration bestiary medieval) Read more

Links For 2009 04 25

links for 2009-04-25 MySQL :: How to Monitor MySQL's performance (tags: benchmark howto article reference linux tutorial dev sysadmin unix database scalability performance work db mysql optimization admin monitor tuning monitoring freebsd) Circos - visualize geno... Read more

Why Moose Is Post Modern

Why Moose is Post Modern To steal from wikipedia: The term postmodern is described by Merriam-Webster as meaning either “of, relating to, or being an era after a modern one” or “of, relating to, or being any of various movements in reaction to modernism that are typically characterized by a return to traditional materials and forms (as in ... Read more