The Room Do I dare disturb the universe?

Did The Earth Move For You

Did the Earth move for you? So there was an earthquake in Wolverhampton lastnight. 4.8 on the richter scale, which is impressive when you realize that alot of people don’t even remember that Britain exists on fault lines. And Edinburgh is built around the remains of a volcano. It also was strong enough to simulate a small nuclear attack, which a... Read more

The Picture

The Picture As promised, here’s a picture of Zelda Which wasn’t as easy to place into the page as it could have been. Dragging n’ Dropping didn’t work, I had to actually edit the source, and that set the source of the image to the text of the next blog entry. I didn’t realize that at first and deleted it. ::sigh:: Fotios (who’s over for dinne... Read more

There Is Alot Of Yelling

There is alot of yelling… [Attempts to rebuild the blog entry after Zelda’s picture corrupted it] There is alot of yelling, door slamming, ignoring and crying going on. Kaite is either acting out all of her 2 tendancies, or has suddenly turned 16. I hate it when my Mom was right. Jamie has an interview/party/something on Sunday to work for “The ... Read more

September 10 1 Year Later

September 10, 1 Year Later ‘Americans like to think that they have fresh-minted themselves. They can’t believe the past won’t leave them alone and the future isn’t a welcoming place. Their attitude hasn’t shifted a tiny bit in the last year.’ ( Read more

Katie Agreed To Zelda. The

Katie agreed to Zelda. The Katie agreed to Zelda. The polls are now closed, and all votes have been counted several times (we are from Florida y’know) Thank you for all the votes/ideas/suggestions. She is now curled up on my lap sleeping. I have the webcam working again as well. I’m trying to capture some decent shots of Zelda for you. We’ll ha... Read more