The Room Do I dare disturb the universe?

Links For 2008 12 02

links for 2008-12-02 **Driving on MT**: Single Installation, Multiple Domains - News Goat (tags: movabletype mt blogging cms multiple) Read more

Links For 2008 11 27

links for 2008-11-27 Ezra Pound Cake - Cheese Grit Stuffed Chilie RelleƱo (tags: recipe tomatoes breakfast recipes food grits mexican cheese vegetarian southern cooking) Read more

Links For 2008 11 25

links for 2008-11-25 The three kinds of platforms you meet on the Internet (tags: platforms facebook ning applications saas pmarca andreessen programming amazon plugin web trends software platform article strategy development design blog technology business web2.0 internet commun... Read more

Links For 2008 11 24

links for 2008-11-24 Top Employers 2008 in Orlando 25% of Orlando is employed by 100 companies, 17% is employed by Disney alone. (tags: orlando employers statistics) Read more

Links For 2008 11 20

links for 2008-11-20 Playing with OpenSSH public keys (tags: ssh sysadmin linux geek tricks security work authentication openssh) Read more