The Room Do I dare disturb the universe?

Settling Down

Settling Down Sorry, I mean to post more but I never have the time or energy. We’re settled in Florida again, in Orlando just across the line from Kissimmee. Things are still crazy with boxes that need unpacking and routines that need sorting out and settling in but they’ve calmed down just enough that I can think again. Read more

Links For 2008 05 08

links for 2008-05-08 Florida Farmer's Markets (tags: florida green lists market farmers food Agriculture produce markets) Read more

Links For 2008 05 06

links for 2008-05-06 How to convert a VMWare virtual appliance to work with Parallels (tags: vmware parallels virtualization howto osx convert mac) xen:vmware2xen [docs] (tags: howto vmware xen) OpenVPN howto (tags: howto vpn) Read more

Links For 2008 05 03

links for 2008-05-03 Florida Unschoolers (tags: homeschool katie florida unschoolers) Lady Fortune Hunter's links for Homeschooling in Florida (tags: homeschool florida) Read more

Links For 2008 05 02

links for 2008-05-02 Yankee or Dixie Quiz (tags: culture entertainment fun funny humor games language linguistics reference south speech test) Flickr Images of Nunny Castle and Prather/Prater related locations (tags: prather images family geneology) UCF MFA Digital Media: Visual Language and Interactive Media Track (tags: ... Read more