The Room Do I dare disturb the universe?

Links For 2007 05 19

links for 2007-05-19 The T-Qualizer shirt A working equalizer on your shirt. (tags: shirt cool equalizer music audio stuff) Neil Gaiman - Neil Gaiman's Journal: The Nature of the infection Having caught the virus, I was now, I realised with horror, infecting others. (tags: geek rant tv dr_who neilgaiman neverwhere) Journ... Read more

Links For 2007 05 16

links for 2007-05-16 Baking Bites (tags: food recipes baking blog cooking foodblog blogs recipe breakfast bread) Read more

Links For 2007 05 15

links for 2007-05-15 Prosper: The online marketplace for people-to-people lending - Prosper (tags: activism application auction blog budget business charity collaboration social loan web2.0 loans money lending finance microfinance) Read more

Links For 2007 05 14

links for 2007-05-14 Card Player Magazine - Are You Sage? Getting an Edge in Heads-Up No-Limit Hold'em by Lee H. Jones (tags: poker strategy sng headsup hu sage) Codswallop » The Freelancer’s Toolset: 100 Web Apps for Everything You Will Possibly Need (tags: tools productivity freelance web2.0 software business list web calendar b... Read more

My Musical Tastes As Presented By

My musical tastes (as presented by </embed> Read more