Quite often when I’m developing with a new framework or toolset I find it easy to write a small test script to make sure I understand the feature I’m working with. They’re sort of like sketches artists do while working on a piece or noodling an idea, or improve performances by actors trying to flesh out a character.
Some code I posted earlier today to the POE Cookbook started out as a sketch.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.10.0;
package Counter;
use MooseX::POE;
has count => (
isa => 'Int',
is => 'rw',
default => 1,
has id => ( is => 'ro' );
sub START {
my ( $self, $kernel, $session ) = @_[ OBJECT, KERNEL, SESSION ];
say 'Starting '.$self->id;
event inc => sub {
my ($self) = $_[OBJECT];
say 'Count '.$self->id . ':' . $self->count;
$self->count( $self->count + 1 );
return if 3 < $self->count;
sub on_dec {
my ($self) = $_[OBJECT];
say 'Count '.$self->id . ':' . $self->count;
$self->count( $self->count - 1 );
sub STOP {
say 'Stopping '.$_[0]->id;
no MooseX::POE;
my @objs = map { Counter->new( id => $_ ) } ( 1 .. 10 );
I wrote this code initially to sketch out how MooseX::POE
would work.
When I was writing it I had never used MooseX::POE
, in fact nobody had since
I was still writing it. This code was a sketch to make sure that I understood
the interface I was developing and to make sure that it worked the way I
Sometimes my sketches end up taking on a life of their own. The IRC bot Bender
on irc.perl.org
started out as a sketch to learn POE::Component::IRC
for a
project that has long since been abandoned. His is probably the oldest code
base that I developed that I still maintain, which is just to show you
sometimes the one you write to throw away never gets thrown away.
The final benefit I want to mention about code sketches is that they become
tests. The code above is part of the MooseX::POE
test suite now, and
even if code doesn’t become an official part of the test suite of whatever I’m
working on … I can use it as a simple example of what I’m trying to achieve
so that I can ask others for help.