The Room Do I dare disturb the universe?

Links For 2006 01 06

links for 2006-01-06 Clerihews "a humorous pseudo-biographical quatrain, rhymed as two couplets, with lines of uneven length more or less in the rhythm of prose. It is short and pithy, and often contains or implies a moral reflection of some kind. The name of the individual who is the (tags: poetry english wordplay) Chinese Soup R... Read more

Links For 2006 01 04

links for 2006-01-04 The Fox and the Hedgehog (tags: philosophy metaphysics) Read more

Links For 2005 12 24

links for 2005-12-24 Danny Ayers, Raw Blog : » SparqlWare and Einstein’s fish Einstein's Fish solved using n3 and cwm's sparql support (tags: n3 rdf inference sparql) Danny Ayers, Raw Blog : » Sudoku RDF/OWL Solvable? Solving Sudoku puzzles using Euler and N3 (tags: n3 owl rdf euler) Read more

Links For 2005 12 23

links for 2005-12-23 Yahoo! Search Shortcuts notes on how to use Yahoo to extend the MozillaOS (tags: yahoo shortcuts mozilla firefox) Read more

Captain Carrot Returns

Captain Carrot Returns! It's as if Captain Carrot was never cancelled, and we're catching up the ongoing series. What's different now is that-- like nearly every other superhero title currently published-- CCAHAZC! has gone 'grim 'n' gritty,' with all that entails…except we're doing more of a parody of 'Watchmen' and 'Dark Knight' and their fal... Read more