The Room Do I dare disturb the universe?

Name That Tune

Name that Tune Let’s play Name that tune. Don’t cheat. What Movie is this song from? FilmForce: Interview with Kirk Thatcher (Part 1 of 2) "I HATE YOU" Lyrics by Kirk R. Thatcher Music by Mark Mangini (to be sung Allegro con Temptible) Just what is the future? The things we've done and said. Let's just push the button. We'd be better off d... Read more

Links For 2005 04 12

links for 2005-04-12 Promises to Keep (tags: books copyright digital law music web technology) Read more

Our Dog Is Gone

Our Dog is gone… Because of his herding instincts we have had to give Hondo up. He was snapping at Katie’s friends (He thought they were sheep I think). I am not dealing with this as well as I would like. He needs a lovely home, with lots of space to romp and play. Please love him for us. Petfinder PetNotes Read more

Links For 2005 04 09

links for 2005-04-09 Taking a break.. (tags: art blog blogs photography photos) cwm - a general purpose data processor for the semantic web (tags: rdf python semweb inference semanticweb metadata tools) Comparing Java Data Binding Tools (tags: java xml) XML and Java technologies: Data binding, Part 1: Code g... Read more

Links For 2005 04 08

links for 2005-04-08 ATPM 11.04 - ATPO: Outline Exchange and XML (tags: history xml opml) Enterprise Objects Framework Developer's Guide (tags: webapp_frameworks data) Read more