The Room Do I dare disturb the universe?

Building a Shopify App with Perl & Javascript (Part 2)

The Preface My wife runs an after-school pottery program in various elementary schools around town. Parents sign their kids up for the classes, and then my wife’s staff go out to the various schools and teach basic ceramics to the kids. All the existing student registration systems for this are both wildly expensive, and they suck. She asked me... Read more

Building a Shopify App with Perl (Part 1)

The Preface My wife runs an after-school pottery program in various elementary schools around town. Parents sign their kids up for the classes, and then my wife’s staff go out to the various schools and teach basic ceramics to the kids. All the existing student registration systems for this are both wildly expensive, and they suck. She asked me... Read more

Task::Kensho at 11

So Grinnz wrote a blog post calling for help with Task::Kensho. This was something I wanted to do myself recently but life happened. So I’m super greatful he stepped up and did it. There are I think several really good suggestions in the issues queue that need some more discussion to them. In the reddit thread that spawned from his blog post th... Read more

The Best Laid Plans

But Mousie, thou are no thy-lane, In proving foresight may be vain: The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men, Gang aft agley, An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain, For promis’d joy! So in the last post I hoped that by moving to a github-page + jekyll setup I would blog more. Apparently I was mistaken. I’d started a blog post or three ... Read more

New Look, New Digs

One of the biggest problems with dogfooding is that you’re eating dogfood. I’ve not had the time to work on blawd in several years at this point. That means that all the nits I have with it still have cumulatively stopped me from blogging. Rather than pretend like I’ll be able to fix those nits anytime soon, I’ve given up the ghost for now and ... Read more